Yes or No to blogging?

Alright, I hope today's issue is another interesting one. Many people have been blogging and I'm sure that you all have somehow read somebody's blog online. What do you think about the act of blogging?
Pros | Cons |
You can express your feelings online. Blogging is just like writing a diary, you can write about what you have encountered in a day. | The main difference with a diary is that blogging is public. I suppose you cannot write whatever you want online. It tends to be quite superficial too if you only write what you want others to know. |
You can write about your travel experience, knowledge or even new ideas to share with others | Most of the time, ppl are only interested to know what others are doing. It’s easier to look for general knowledge via google anyway. |
It’s cheap and entertaining | Yup, it is definitely cheap with just the cost of using internet and electricity for the comp. But what about the time wasted in front of the computer? |
It’s a healthy hobby (yup, rather than watching porn online) | Not totally healthy since it’s a sedentary hobby. |
You can earn money through adsense (advertising on blogs) | Money is only generated if your visitors click on those banners (not really sure about how many clicks to earn money, but it’s not much for a normal site, I’m told). Besides, those advertisements flood your blog! |
What is more fun than criticising ppl online with them not knowing even when they are reading your blog? | It’s another art of gossiping, I suppose. I have a friend who purposely says that there is a ‘girl’ that she hates and how much she hates her on her blog. Basically, unless you know what is going on, you wouldn’t be able to guess who’s that person a blogger is talking about. |
Blogging is like writing articles online. You can write anything that you like and readers can decide whether or not they want to read. | Bloggers usually write as though they know everything but since it’s not edited, there are plenty of mistakes either in grammar or information provided. On top of that, some bloggers ‘syok sendiri’ by exaggerating in their blogs.(hmm…I feel as if I’m directing this to myself, hehe) |
It's just funny that I am questioning what I am doing. Blogging is something that I had never thought of doing until recently that my friends have started blogging and I find their sites to be very interesting. Personally, I do not like writing anything private online because I feel it's as if spilling everything about yourself online and who knows who will be reading your blog. I used to feel that blogging is more about promoting yourself since you'll only write what you want the others to know. Little did I know that blogging can be writing about something general and of what you want to share with others. That's the true reason why I've started this blog entitled 'yes or no' to see how many ppl out there will actually agree with me on certain contradicting issues. Despite the comparisons, I must admit that I am always biased to one side of the argument. Hoping to give a slightly different touch to my own blog, I have added in a poll after every post to know about your views on the issue discussed. Besides, comments field is provided to gather your thoughts. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there's anything that you think I should improve on.
What do you think about blogging? Yes or No to blogging????
the ultimate irony :)
well both the pros and cons are valid, and the doonesbury strip sums it nicely. but then bloggers never claim to be journalist. bloggers are just expressing their view, and surfers should read blogs (and opinions) with a pinch of salt. after all, it doesnt compare with an editorial in the Times or Washington Post. either way blogging is fun, and avenue of expressing yourself. and if you dont like a syok-sendiri blog, you just dont have to read it :) just keep blogging!
I think blogging is fine... The only people who're going to read it are your friends (and whoever else is busybody enough to trace it from your friend's friend's friendster page). So, it's not wrong to write anything. But you only have to make sure you don't promote yourself too much la.. otherwise ppl will grow tired of you (common sense).
About spoiling your eye-sight in front of the computer... what to do? Our entertainment these days seem to center around computers or TVs. It's the age of thick lenses! 8-)
So yeah, write away! :) And welcome to the blogging world.
p.s. Bloggers are not failed journalists, they are just part-time journlists. :P
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