Thursday, August 17, 2006

Yes or No to equality?

It is not a new thing that women feel that they are being supressed and looked down upon in the modern society. Feminists claimed that women should be given more rights which are currently reserved for men. Nevertheless, one cannot deny that there is definitely a difference between men and women in aspects such as strength, intelligence, perserverance and etc. Equality is therefore far from reach. Let's see what women and men think:

Note: All the info below is what I've gathered from friends and websites and therefore may not be a true representation of the whole population .

Feminists' view:

Feminists say:


Men and women are the same

Men and women have been shown to be different physically, biologically and behaviourally. Men are proved to be stronger and hence are mostly assigned to physical labour since prehistoric time. Women are given the natural gift of giving birth. Therefore women are left at home to take care of children.

Despite the obvious difference, there are areas that both men and women can contribute equally for instance, voting for a new government

Now, let’s see which country is still having the law that females cannot vote. From what I know..nil?

Females can be prime ministers too!

There are many countries which have current or past female prime ministers :

UK, India, Pakistan, Philippines, Bangladesh, NZ and more. It’s just too bad that in a country such as Msia that ppl don’t vote for females for PM

Females should be given the same opportunity in application for work as men

Undeniably, there are some jobs which are more suitable for men than females such as engineers, construction jobs and drivers(obviously men are better drivers, feminists won’t agree). There are some jobs which are reserved for women too e.g. secretary, salesgirl(salesboy? you'll be irritated to find a notice saying only female salesperson needed), maid and babysitter. Perhaps *masculinists* (there’s actually such a term) should fight against this inequality!

Women have the potential to work well and therefore stop thinking that they have high positions in companies solely because they have pretty faces and figures!

Well done to the women who have brains and beauty! If you can work well and show it, I’m pretty sure most ppl can see it.

Stop thinking that women should be protected because we can stand up for ourselves!

Men are getting confused now. They think that they can show their gentleman side by opening doors, sliding chairs and sending you home but you don’t seem to appreciate it. Some gfs insist on them. So what do you girls want?

We are career women and therefore don’t expect us to cook, sew and take care of babies.

When men are expected to be gentlemen, women are expected to cook, sew and give birth. Isn’t it only natural?

Women are not baby-making machines!

Men: “Oh no! What should we do to make babies? Can we have babies on our own?”

Men think:

Men say:


Females are weak

Yes, women might be weaker physically but not internally. Women are proven to be calmer and by having longer attention span, they persevere better in challenging situations when men are panicking.

Women cannot read maps and are bad drivers

Who says? I know females who can read maps and drive better than males. Although I must say, it’s a small proportion and therefore rare.

Women are big spenders and they spend more than they can earn!

It’s only true that we spend a lot but we do know where the money goes to. And about spending more than we can earn, it’s not totally true. Husband’s earnings are ours and our earnings are ours. So, we are spending what we earn!

Pretty women have no brains

It’s all Bs: Big Boobs Bitches, have the Best Brains.

It’s unlucky that men can’t have both being handsome and smart. Women are just more perfect.

Women cry, breakdown and panic

Well, it’s too bad that women are smart enough to think of such a strategy that they can get help from men even without asking!

Women are backstabbers and they gossip like nobody’s business

Who says that guys don’t gossip? What happens when a group of guys sit down and talk about what their female colleagues wear during work or what they don’t like about their bosses?

Are women and men equal?

Yes or No to equality
Free polls from


Blogger jw said...

I think men and women are equals. That is not to say both sexes are the same. Instead each gender possess traits that are generally unique to that sex, although this is not always the case. Each gender has strengths and weaknessess of their own, and noone is superior to another by virtue of gender alone. Each gender has a role to play still; household chores should be equally divided if the task of breadwinning is equally divided. Otherwise the one not earning should do the housework. No side should neglect their kids, but I feel women should be especially more attentive, not because its their sole responsibility, but I believe children generally are closer to the ladies of the family (mummy, grandma, etc). I also believe that the guy should hold the door, the chair etc, not because women can't do it themselves, but just because those are nice, thoughtful things to do. =)

8:58 AM  
Blogger Ravi said...

Wow, in your part about what men think, you sure hentam us teruk-teruk....

I'm not opposed to men and women equality, but you have to consider the differences that both genders have. In some professions, there can be equality, but not in others. Female doctors are fine, but male nurses just won't be accepted everywhere, since people associate kindness and loving care with women. Politicians, however, are mostly males, since they're less likely to have something else on their mind all the time. Mind you this is far from an insult, women dedicate their time to family, more than men do.

So it's hardly surprising that equality hasn't been achieved, right?

4:52 PM  
Blogger jw said...

i digress a little ravi; i think men can make great nurses too, but maybe male nurses won't be as trusted by the more traditional minded patient. TLC tends to be associated more with women due to the maternal role, but male nurses can be fatherly no? ;)

as for politicians, male and female are prolly equally as vicious =D notably scandinavian countries have very high percentage of women MPs. i think its up to 50% in sweden alone.

and yes i agree with you ravi... yanyee sounds as if she memang want to hantam men :P

1:26 PM  
Blogger Yanyee said...

It's so not true that I wanted to hentam men because i did hentam women in the feminist rebuttal column anyway:)

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey YanYee, nice to stumble upon your block. Good writing.. a bid cheem.. but still enjoyable read.hehee..

12:33 AM  

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