Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Yes or No to lies?


A lie is an intentionally false statement. To lie is to say something one believes to be false with the intention it be taken for truth.

A lie-to-children is an expression that describes a lie told to make an adult subject, such as sex, acceptable to children. The most common example, though not currently in widespread use, is "The stork brought you."

A white lie is a lie which is believed harmless or innocuous, or in is accordance with the conventions of the culture. A common example of a white lie is, "You look marvelous."

Lying by omission means allowing another to believe something that one knows is false, by failing to reveal the truth, rather than by stating an untruth.

Perjury is the legal term for the offence of lying under oath, for example in court or in an affidavit. It is normally restricted to lies that are also false statements.

Yup, the topic today is all about lies. Have you lied before? I suppose those who said 'I've never lied' is already making a false statement. Telling a lie might sound fun but being lied to or fooled is nothing near it. Let's see the pros and cons of lying.



Some lies are necessary e.g. you’ll say ‘I’ve eaten’ to your mom when you call home although you haven’t either to escape nagging or from her getting worried.

It’s still a lie. If you do this continually, you can be lying everyday without noticing.

When gf asks whether she looks good in a new dress or when she has got a new hairstyle, it’s either you lie or you’ll get a cold shoulder

Some girls prefer their bfs to be honest with them. If they look ugly, tell them before they walk out and get laughed at. Although I must say that you should criticise in a subtle way.

When children ask “where do we come from?” It’s a difficult question to answer.

Parents could simply tell them that they are the ppl who make children without telling the whole process and promise to tell when they have grown older. Why is all these stories about being picked up from the dumpster or storks brought babies?

Children learn lessons from fairy as well as scary tales e.g. never go wandering in dangerous places from the tale Hansel and Gretel

Firstly, Hansel and Gretel encourage children to be adventurous to find the chocolate house. And secondly Santa Claus has given the false imagination to children that they can get anything they want for Christmas. Pity the parents!

Some lies are important to avoid conflicts and arguments

Sooner or later, when the lie is exposed it might lead to a bigger complication.

Lying by omission is not really lying because you have not even opened your mouth to utter a single lie.

It’s not called LYING by omission for nothing. From an ethical pt of view, you are still suppose to rectify the situation even though you can choose to keep quiet.

Have you lied before? Do you think that lying is necessary at times?

Yes or No to lies?
On the fence???
Free polls from Pollhost.com


Blogger jw said...

dear lie.. hehe.. well i reckon it depends on the situation whether or not to white lie or to tell the truth. if telling the truth gets you into trouble, then might as well white lie :P if a gf asks a bf if she looks good, she wants to be told that she does. so even if she doesnt, what harm is there telling her something she wants to hear if it wont hurt anybody ;)

3:26 PM  
Blogger Ravi said...

Yeah, assess the situation first. There are times when telling the truth can get you into trouble.. or may trouble the person hearing it. So, in those cases, it's better to tell a lie.

7:35 AM  

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