Yes or No to website pranks?

When I was thinking hard of what to write, I simply googled 'yes or no' and found an interesting website- yes or no oracle. Isn't it wonderful when you have difficult questions to answer, you can just type out your questions and in a blink of an eye, an answer pops up saying yes or no. Don't believe me? Try it at
After all these years of surfing the world wide web, I must admit that I've been fooled umpteen times by many stupid and ridiculous websites. The most embarassing one was the personality test that was sent by a friend. In such test, you are suppose to enter three names of opposite sex that you have interest in and the test will count the compatibility of you with these three persons. Obviously (but not obvious enough to me five years ago) it is a prank programme to set up friends to find out who they have crush on because after you have entered the names, the programme will automatically send a copy to the friend who sent you the invitation to the website.
Another website that I find ridiculous is the love calculator that is widely speculated on the net. On the website, you are suppose to enter two names and the calculator will count the percentage of them getting together or being compatible. Some girls or even guys must be pretty excited to calculate their names with their crushes' to tell whether they can get together. Undeniably, I've used the calculator too but hmm...I've grown out of it and I can tell you that it doesn't work *wink*.
Ahem, credits to a friend of mine, I was sent a website to play an online game not too long ago. It involves moving the cursor between two narrow lines and it is really challenging as it gets more difficult in the later stages when the two lines are basically just 1 mm apart! So as I was carefully manoeuvring the cursor in level four, suddenly a large photo of a ghost(a woman with long hair, bloody face with big nose) popped up! Ya, I almost had a heart attack!
Not to mention the number of forwarded emails on ridiculous topics such as:
1) Japanese ppl have worms in their brains due to eating sushis
2) Kittens kept in boxed bottles
3) You can get free credits on prepaid by pressing this and that buttons on your phone
4) A clown will appear next to your bed tonight if you don't send this to at least 5 ppl now!
5) You will find your prince charming in the next five days if you send this to 10 ppl or more!
6) Your love life will be cursed for seven years if you don't send this to at least 25 ppl!
Comeon', get a life! Stop all these chain emails because I don't know why ppl are just gullible enough to believe that they should forward them. I suppose that you wouldn't want to pass such bad luck to your friends too if you believe in such emails. The next time you have such emails forwarded to you, just read the top part( if you are interested) and skip all the cursings. I always close the browser or delete the email when I come to 'Forward this to....'
Have you encountered other types of pranks online? Plz share them.
After all these years of surfing the world wide web, I must admit that I've been fooled umpteen times by many stupid and ridiculous websites. The most embarassing one was the personality test that was sent by a friend. In such test, you are suppose to enter three names of opposite sex that you have interest in and the test will count the compatibility of you with these three persons. Obviously (but not obvious enough to me five years ago) it is a prank programme to set up friends to find out who they have crush on because after you have entered the names, the programme will automatically send a copy to the friend who sent you the invitation to the website.
Another website that I find ridiculous is the love calculator that is widely speculated on the net. On the website, you are suppose to enter two names and the calculator will count the percentage of them getting together or being compatible. Some girls or even guys must be pretty excited to calculate their names with their crushes' to tell whether they can get together. Undeniably, I've used the calculator too but hmm...I've grown out of it and I can tell you that it doesn't work *wink*.
Ahem, credits to a friend of mine, I was sent a website to play an online game not too long ago. It involves moving the cursor between two narrow lines and it is really challenging as it gets more difficult in the later stages when the two lines are basically just 1 mm apart! So as I was carefully manoeuvring the cursor in level four, suddenly a large photo of a ghost(a woman with long hair, bloody face with big nose) popped up! Ya, I almost had a heart attack!
Not to mention the number of forwarded emails on ridiculous topics such as:
1) Japanese ppl have worms in their brains due to eating sushis
2) Kittens kept in boxed bottles
3) You can get free credits on prepaid by pressing this and that buttons on your phone
4) A clown will appear next to your bed tonight if you don't send this to at least 5 ppl now!
5) You will find your prince charming in the next five days if you send this to 10 ppl or more!
6) Your love life will be cursed for seven years if you don't send this to at least 25 ppl!
Comeon', get a life! Stop all these chain emails because I don't know why ppl are just gullible enough to believe that they should forward them. I suppose that you wouldn't want to pass such bad luck to your friends too if you believe in such emails. The next time you have such emails forwarded to you, just read the top part( if you are interested) and skip all the cursings. I always close the browser or delete the email when I come to 'Forward this to....'
Have you encountered other types of pranks online? Plz share them.
I was watching a car advert on youtube not too long ago; the comments tells you to concentrate on the a corner of the screen, apparently a Homer Simpson like character is inexplicably seen running across the hills. All of a sudden a gollumlike face popped out and screamed! It wasnt funny :'(
Haha, i've seen that. Really made my heart jump to my throat and back down... luckily i don't scream when i'm shocked.. but i know some people who do.. and you can guess how powerful a video like that is in my hand ;) Haha
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