Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yes or No to perfect honesty?

There are too many people around us who put up different masks when they see different people. Maybe we are like them as well; we smile eventhough we are not happy and we pretend to be ok with things when in reality they are definitely NOT OK. We feel frustrated because we need to be pretentious every second and not to be honest with other people. We feel tired of coming up with lies just to entertain some people that you don't want to offend. And of course, we try our best to shine our head of dept's shoes so that we get good marks. The question is, do we have to be fake for the rest of our lives?

Many times, we get away from arguments or grudges by being just a little "smart". We say things that we don't mean to and yes, it is OK as long as we don't harm anybody. That's the common perception. But what about trust? Can we still trust each other when we know that we would tend to be superficial? Does honesty have no perks? Would we want friends like ourselves?

My mom has always given good advice. She says " if you want to know why people do this to you, think about what you'd do in that person's position. Would you have done the same? If yes, then it is totally justified". If a friend asks me if her new dress is nice, I would be honest to her if I think that she looks fat wearing it. Is that a bad thing to do? Perhaps different people might have different views but I know that some would just want to compliment on the new dress all for the sake of not upsetting her. I'm sure dishonesty in this situation is not ground-breaking nor earth-shattering but it is still a breach of trust. Do you think we ask questions to listen to lies? What do you think you would say? Would you have done the same thing?

Would you have said the truth to your friend?
Don't know...never happened to me before
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