Yes or No to forgive and forget?

"The grass is always greener on the other side", the proverb goes. I definitely think so. There has not been a time that I have been perfectly satisfied with whatever I have. People tend to say that I have a lot of things that others don't and I need to be grateful for. Deep in my heart, I would be thinking 'what? there are so many girls who are so much more fortunate than I am. They have lots of things that I don't'. It is not until recently that I realised how lucky I have been. I have a very happy and caring family, not too many but really good friends, a considerably good education and moving towards a potentially one of the few money-making careers in the future. What else can I ask for?
Speaking about friends. It is always hard to find the perfect one who can understand and cares so much about you. Look around you, try to think how many people you had been angry at and chose not to talk to. I'm sure there are some friends that you keep just as acquaintances because they have some qualities that you do not think that they can qualify to be your friends. Try to remember some betrayals that had happened in the past, do you remember how hurt you were at that time? Does that remind you of how long you took to regain trust on friendship?
Now, I'm asking you to hold that dear to yourself, make a wish, and let it go. It is something worth remembering but not to hold on to. How long do you plan to keep that grudge? And you know that it is harder to hate than to forgive somebody. I know it is not easy but I have tried this a few times and it works for me. I am still friends with those who probably annoyed, betrayed or lied to me in the past. Probably impossible to be good friends with these again but it's better than making enemies.
What do you think? Do you have similar thoughts about certain friends who had done something to you and you would like to forgive him/her and forget about it? What would you do?